Weekly News | November 16, 2017

STEWARDSHIP WEEKEND – On November 18 and 19, we will hold our annual Stewardship Weekend. At that time, we will be offering to God out financial pledge for the mission of His kingdom through Messiah. Each family or individual will be given a pledge card as they enter worship. Please fill it out and place it in the offering plate.

In any action, motive is everything. What is the motive for giving? Tithing shows that God has first place in my life. “The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives.” (Deuteronomy 14:23)

  1. What are the benefits of my giving? My giving reminds me that God gives me everything, and it expresses my “Thank you” to Him.
  2. My giving helps to accomplish good here in His kingdom. I can help build Jesus’ Church and bless God’s world.
  3. My giving is essential to spiritual growth. The Bible teaches that the two most important measures of our spiritual
    maturity or likeness to Christ, are our attitude toward forgiveness and our attitude toward money.
  4. My giving draws me closer to God. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21) It is
    amazing how our emotions and attentions are drawn to Him when we are more and more “invested” in the mission of His Kingdom!

Thank you, Messiah, for your generosity in giving. Council continues to be very conservative in its budgeting and the use of your offerings to grow Messiah’s church family. We look forward with great anticipation to 2018 and all the exciting plans God has for our congregation. With gratitude, Ed Winner – Council representative on Stewardship

PRAYER AND PIE – After the Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, November 22, please join us for pie and coffee in the Fellowship Hall. You may bring along a pie or some other type of dessert. Thanks, Barb Schneider

CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS – Poinsettia orders are now being received. You will find the order forms and the box to return your order on the card ministry table. Five to eight blooms in a 6” pot cost $12.00. Final order date is December 10th. The Poinsettias will decorate the sanctuary for Christ Eve services.

SILVER SPRINGS/LORD’S PANTRY – It’s time to brighten up the holidays for the boys and girls at Silver Springs -Martin Luther School and Lord’s Pantry of Downingtown! All bags must be returned by Sunday, December 3rd as both places will be distributing gifts for their annual Christmas parties at the beginning of the month. Directions and gift ideas are attached to all bags along with information on the child. Lord’s Pantry asks for a minimum gift purchase of $30 and they may or may not be wrapped; specific gift ideas are included. We are doing a bedtime theme this year for the children at Silver Springs and their gifts should not be wrapped. Thanks for making this collection so easy and always going beyond to help the children in need. Please contact me with any questions at madiandmak@comcast.net or 484-798-9087 ~ Kelli DiVito.

ADVENT PARTY –  Sunday December 3rd, noon till 2pm – Advent luncheon and activities for family, friends and neighbors. We will lunch first then you have the opportunity to make an evergreen advent wreath, or a Christmas ornament or an Advent calendar for children. And sing Christmas Carols if you like. Look for sign-up sheet in office foyer.

INTERIM UPDATE – November 19, 26 & December 3rd Interim committee members are available to meet with you to discuss and post your choice of 3 areas of ministry you believe Messiah needs to part of right now. On these Sundays Pastor or a committee person will explain your participation. Please remember these activities are vital to preparing a call for the next pastor to serve Messiah.