Weekly News | September 28, 2017

One Outdoors worship service at 10am to include all services, Saturday 5 pm, Sunday 8AM, 9:30AM and 11AM rolled up into one fantastic Outdoors Worship Time! Worship will be held at the Prayer Garden. The lawn will likely be wet with dew and it is expected to be cool so dress for the weather. This is meant to be a casual worship, so jeans and sweatshirts are perfect. Please bring your own lawn chair and an extra if you have it. Special music by the choirs and musicians, Sermon title – #Living the Life. Worship followed by the first transitional/interim question sessions “Past, Present and Future: God’s Call, our Joy.” We’ll conclude our time together with a Church Picnic where You Bring A salad or Dessert and Remainder of the Feast will be provided for you.

HANDS NEEDED FOR the CHURCH PICNIC, OCT 1 – Please consider lending some assistance in the following areas: 8:00am  set up buffet area, 11:00am (approx.) set out food, 12:30/1:00 pm  clean up. Any amount of time you can spend is greatly appreciated! Thank you, Barb Schneider

Lutheran World Relief School Kits: Thanks to all who took bags. Please return all kits no later than Sunday, October 1st.  Contact Kelli DiVito with any questions at madiandmak@comcast.netor 484-798-9087

What is Adult Confirmation Class? Many of us went through confirmation instruction when we were just barely teenagers and spent most of our time memorizing and less time understanding. Some of us never went through confirmation instruction but have been faithful followers and would like to understand more. This class is just right for everyone and will use Luther’s Small Catechism as a guide to understanding what it means to pray, to trust and to follow as Jesus invited. We will gather together Wednesday evenings 7:00 – 8:00 October 2nd through the 23rd. It’ll be fun and meaningful; please join us. Pastor Greenwald & Denise Stearns

Moms with Young Children, motherhood is a mess, isn’t it? It’s difficult to stay patient when your child is disobeying you. There’s never enough time … for the to-do list, significant other or yourself! Motherhood’s a mess…a Beautiful Mess. Starting Tues., Oct. 3 at 7:15pm in the teen SS room, moms of young children are invited to the bible study, Beautiful Mess: Motherhood for Every Moment. We’ll explore questions like, How Can I Love This Mess? How Can I Find Me in the Mess? What Does God Want to Say to Me? You can register on Messiah’s website or sign sheet on hutch. Moms can purchase this study at Amazon.com. Any questions, contact Amy at 218-838-2279 or amymetcalf04@gmail.com.

Martin Luther, a Bible Study to Celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation! Messiah is offering a four week Wednesday night study on Martin Luther beginning on October 4th. As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, this is an opportunity to learn more about this passionate man, the church, his struggle with sin and ultimately his new understanding of God. We will discuss the Scripture that spoke to Luther, meeting at 7:00 in the library. Register online, or use sign-up sheet located on the hutch. No prior Bible study experience necessary and EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Looking forward to seeing you in October! God’s peace, Paula Campagna.

Quilting: We are pleased to share that we are once again going to make lap quilts for our LAMBS’ Christmas baskets. Please sign up on the clipboard on the card ministry table, or via email or phone if you would like to participate. You may also help by donating fabric for us to use. There is a bin near the card ministry table for your donations. We will hold two sessions for piecing and assembly of the lap quilts: Saturday, September 23 and Saturday, October 7, both days 9 AM till Noon. You can bring your sewing machine, or plan to tie quilts, so there is something for everyone. In past years we have provided a lap quilt for each of our LAMBS, and many extras for Pastor to take to members on visitation. If you have any questions or would like to join us, call or text Kathy Joyce at 484-437-1275 or email to kathyjoyce@comcast.net.

Blessing of the Animals will be held on Saturday, October 21st. The money raised from this year’s event will go to help the Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma animals. Other donations will benefit Henry’s Cupboard at the BVSPCA. The cupboard helps owners who are less fortunate keep their animals by providing them with food, treats and litter. I will start collecting items at the end of September. More event details to follow in the next bulletin and on Messiah’s website, so stay tuned! Looking forward to a successful year helping the Cupboard and all the animals affected by the hurricanes. Molly Woesner