2019 Stewardship

Our Stewardship campaign for 2019 is underway! The campaign will extend through three weekend, and each weekend we will hear congregants reflect on their faith journeys and what Messiah means in their lives. During the weekend of November 17th and 18th we will be offering to God our financial pledge for the mission of His Kingdom through Messiah. As they enter worship, each family or individual will be given a pledge card to fill out and place in the offering plate.

As you consider your giving:

  1. Listen carefully to God’s Word about giving.
  2. Consider the use to which your offering will be put, and
  3. Take into account your personal situation.

What does the Bible teach? Tithing shows that God has first place in my life. “The purpose of tithing is to teach you to put God first in your life.” Deuteronomy14:23 (Living Bible).

How is my offering used? As your giving puts God first, it also brings good and blessing to His world. Our budget is a tithing budget. That means approximately 10% of all our income goes outside of Messiah to demonstrate God’s love beyond our walls. Your giving feeds the poor locally through the Lord’s Pantry and globally through Lutheran World Hunger. Your giving supports Coatesville Kids to College and children in crisis through the Rehmeyer Mission in Swaziland, Africa. Your giving also goes to projects through our Synod and national church (ELCA). This is in addition to the thousands in special appeal gifts you give to the Lord’s Pantry, Social Ministry and Martin Luther School projects. Each year we also look to upgrade and improve the physical plant of God’s House at Messiah.

Thank you for your consideration.

John Finkbiner
Stewardship Chair