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Downingtown, PA
The 11th Annual Messiah Lutheran Golf Outing that was held on June 20th at Coatesville Country Club raised $3258.40 for the Lord’s Pantry food bank of Downingtown!
30 golfers registered for the 2023 golf outing. Thanks to Messiah members Mike Petrillo, Kathy Joyce, and Sheila Yamasaki, in supporting the event. Additional thanks to Joan and Chuck Gibson for sponsoring the event. We also want to thank and recognize our corporate sponsors:
We also would like to recognize the local golf courses who contributed golfing foursome packages for our silent auctions as well as the Downingtown local businesses that donated raffle prizes:
Over the last 11 outings we have raised a total of $51,336.80 for The Lord’s Pantry food bank of Downingtown!
The Lord’s Pantry of Downingtown has been in operation for over 50 years and is a non-profit, 501(c)(3). Since its inception, the Lord’s Pantry has been, and remains 100% volunteer. They currently serve 700 registered families a six to seven day supply of food that includes non-perishables, meat selections, fresh vegetables and dairy products.
Over the past ten years, we’ve raised more than $48,000 for the pantry, and our goal is to increase our donation this year!
We have lots of fun things planned, including:
Registration start: 7:30 AM
Shotgun start: 9:00 AM
You do not have to be a great golfer to have a great day! We are using a scramble format in teams of 4 where all players tee off, the best ball is selected, and all players hit from that location. The format continues until hole out.
If you’re not a golfer, but you want to help, consider one of our sponsor packages for yourself or your business. We also welcome your raffle donation of services or merchandise.
Click the link or the button below to enter your information on the Sponsorship page.
Straight cash donations in any amount are also welcome!
Who: Anyone who wants to support the Lord’s Pantry (Messiah members & non-members)
When: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 | 7:30 AM Registration, 9:00 AM Shotgun start
Sponsor Deadline: June 2, 2023
Player Registration Deadline: June 9, 2023
Cost: $120 per golfer (includes greens fees, cart, on course refreshments & lunch)
How: Sign up using the online registration form below.
Where: Coatesville Country Club, 143 Reservoir Road, Coatesville
Have questions about the event? Contact Darin Yamasaki at messiahgolfouting@verizon.net.
Click a button to register for the outing or show your support via sponsorship.
The 10th Annual Messiah Lutheran Golf Outing that was held on September 12th at Coatesville Country Club raised $4035.40 for the Lord’s Pantry food bank of Downingtown!
28 golfers registered for the 2022 golf outing . Thanks to Messiah members Mike Petrillo, Kathy Joyce, Sheila Yamasaki, and Brenda McDade in supporting the event. Additional thanks to Joan and Chuck Gibson for sponsoring the event. We also want to thank and recognize our corporate sponsors:
We also would like to recognize the local golf courses who contributed golfing foursome packages for our silent auctions:
While rain threatened to postpone this year’s event, we held it with a small leap of faith and in God’s goodness we were able to have the event and raise a good amount of money for The Lord’s Pantry food bank of Downingtown!
The Lord’s Pantry of Downingtown has been in operation for over 50 years and is a non-profit, 501 (c)(3). Since its inception, the Lord’s Pantry has been, and remains 100% volunteer. They currently serve 700 registered families a six to seven day supply of food that includes non-perishables, meat selections, fresh vegetables and dairy products.
Over the past nine years, we’ve raised more than $44,000 for the pantry, and our goal is to increase our donation this year!
We have lots of fun things planned, including:
Registration & light breakfast: 7:30 AM
Shotgun start: 9:00 AM
You don’t have to be a great golfer to have a great day! We’ll use a scramble format in teams of 4 where all players tee off, the best ball is selected, and all players hit from that location. The format continues until hole out.
If you’re not a golfer, but you want to help, consider one of our sponsor packages for yourself or your business. We also welcome your raffle donation of services or merchandise.
Click the link or the button below to enter your information on the Sponsorship page.
Straight cash donations in any amount are also welcome!
Who: Anyone who wants to support the Lord’s Pantry (Messiah members & non-members)
When: Monday, September 12, 2022 | 7:30 AM Registration, 9:00 AM Shotgun start
Sponsor Deadline: August 19, 2022
Player Registration Deadline: August 26, 2022
Cost: $120 per golfer (includes greens fees, cart, light breakfast, & lunch)
How: Sign up using the online registration form below.
Where: Coatesville Country Club, 143 Reservoir Road, Coatesville
Have questions about the event? Contact Darin Yamasaki at messiahgolfouting@verizon.net.
Click a button to register for the outing or show your support via sponsorship.