Advent Devotionals 2021: December 25

John 13:34

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”

       What a beautiful time of the year. Many gather with family and friends; others gather with memories of Christmases past. Once past all the glitz and glitter, candles and lights, wrapping paper and tinsel, we see the true meaning of Christmas; God came in our image, in the form of a baby in a manger named Jesus. Through Jesus, God’s love for the world shines brighter than the lights anyone could decorate their house. On this day, let us see this gift of love as an example for us. John records Jesus’ words as a commandment to us to love one another. That’s one gift that doesn’t need ribbon and bows. So may your Christmas Day be filled with God’s love for you.

Let us pray…Gracious God, You came in our image to show your great love for the world. On this glorious day and the days ahead, let your gift of love shine through me to those I encounter on my path in this world – without exception.

Pastor Tim