Q & A with Pastor G

Pastor Greenwald will be holding special question & answer sessions this summer. During the sessions, she’ll explain the Interim process of gathering information about the mission and ministries of Messiah. It’s a time for you to ask the questions that you’ve been thinking about and to get firsthand information about the process, and it’s a time to hear how God is working and walking with you.

Here are the details—mark your calendar and plan to join us!

Saturdays – July 22 & August 19

  • 5:00 PM | Service
  • After service | Q&A session

Sundays – July 23 & August 20

  • 9:00-9:40 AM | Traditional service
  • 9:50-10:40 AM | Q&A session
  • 10:50-11:30 AM | 103ALIVE service

Pastoral Call Timeline & Status

Phase I: After a Pastor Resigns

Task Status
Consultation with Synod when a Pastor Resigns Complete
Notifying the Congregation Complete
Exit Interview Complete
Farewell Celebration Complete
Receipt Form for Congregational Records and Financial Settlements Complete
Establishing Proper Boundaries with Former Pastor Complete
Procedure for Selection of Interim Complete
Interim Ministry Costs Complete
Letter of Agreement with Interim Complete
Bridge Pastor (if necessary) TBD

Phase II: Self-Study, Visioning, & Congregation Profile

Task Status
The Interim Pastor Arrives Complete
What is Intentional Interim Ministry? Complete
The Five Focus Points Complete
Preparing the Congregational Profile

  • Preparation of the Congregational Profile
  • The 75-Word “Want Ad”
Final Review of Congregational Profile by Office of the Bishop Complete

Phase III: The Call Process

Task Status
Selection of a Call Committee and Call Process Option Complete
Call Committee Begins Meeting Complete
The Synod Committee of Deans and Its Functions Complete
Interview Process Complete
Call Committee Recommendation to Council Complete
Council and Candidate Interview Each Other Complete
Preparation for Special Congregation Meeting Complete
Council Recommendation to Congregation Complete
The Call Meeting (Special Congregational Meeting) Complete
Conclusion of Congregation-Interim Pastor Partnership February 28

Phase IV: Implementation with Next Pastor

Task Status
Welcome Next Pastor
Arrange and Plan for Installation Service
Sharing the Work and Vision of the Transition Process with the Next Pastor
Role of Former Interim
Develop Plan for Continued Implementation of Vision
Constant Transition

Phases of Pastoral Transition

The flow of the call process includes four phases that we will journey through together.

Phase I: After a Pastor Resigns

Phase One of the interim process begins when a pastor resigns or departs for any reason. As a pastor leaves, it is important to find a way to say goodbye and to begin to define appropriate boundaries so that the congregation is able to receive another individual as the pastor. Phase One ends in the selection of a qualified Interim Pastor.

Phase II: Self-Study and Visioning Process

Phase Two of the interim process begins with the welcoming of the Interim Pastor. The Intentional Interim Pastor will carry out the work of interim ministry by following a widely-accepted process known as the Five Developmental Tasks for a congregation in transition. Phase Two concludes with the preparation of a package of material called the Congregational Profile, and its submission to and approval by the Synod’s Office of the Bishop.

Phase III: The Call Process

At this point, the congregation selects a Call Committee. That Call Committee receives the names of possible pastoral candidates in a highly confidential process. After the Call Committee interviews pastoral candidate(s) and hears them preach, it eventually recommends one pastoral candidate to the Council. If the Council agrees, the Council calls a special congregational meeting arranged in cooperation with the Office of the Bishop. If the congregation decides to issue a call to the pastoral candidate, and the pastoral candidate accepts, then he or she becomes the next regularly-called pastor of the congregation.

Phase IV: Implementation with Next Pastor

Throughout the process the congregation has worked to develop its vision of the future to which God is calling it and has called the pastor it believes will lead it in pursuing this vision. Now the congregation welcomes this new pastor. Rather than set aside the work of the transition process, it is important for the pastor and congregation to work on implementation together. The arrival of the next pastor is not a time when “things return to normal,” but is a continuing part of transition.

Pastoral Call Process

At the beginning of 2017, Messiah Lutheran Church entered the Call Process. The Call Process is when a congregation’s regularly called pastor (Pastor Gulotta) leaves, we enter into the “interim period” – a time for saying goodbye, reflecting on our faith community’s past and discerning God’s purpose for future ministry, and calling a new spiritual leader to guide the congregation into this new season.

Use these links or the menu above to access information about:

We’ll be using our website as a location to share information during this journey and provide a place to ask questions. If you have questions or concerns during this process, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Jon Marsh
Vice-President, Church Council