God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday

Celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – One church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

Due to last week’s flooding and our displacement from the fellowship hall, we have decided to cancel this event.

What is “God’s Work. Our Hands.”? Since 2012, the ELCA has asked congregations to participate in a day of service – locally or globally. As the ELCA, we are one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. Being a denomination of over 9,000 congregations, we can make a statement of who we are as Christians by standing together on this day of service.

On Sunday, September 12, Messiah will partner with Rise Against Hunger to package 10,000 meals. These simple bags of rice and soy represent the hopes and dreams of people worldwide. More than 40 percent of Rise Against Hunger’s meals are distributed to school feeding programs worldwide. Those meals encourage school attendance and help put these children and their families on a path out of poverty.

Watch the video below to learn more about the program and the event.

What will the event be like?

This event includes people of all ages. Rise Against Hunger makes it a party-type celebration atmosphere with music and their staff leading us. We’ll have a light lunch and package 10,000 meals.

How can I help?

There are many ways! We’ll need help in these areas:

  • Donate funds toward the cost of the meals we’ll package. Each meal is $0.34, and you can contribute online or put it in the offering plate. Just make sure you indicate “Rise Meals” on your envelope.
  • Set up in the fellowship hall at 10 AM on September 12.
  • Package meals in the fellowship hall after worship. The event is scheduled from noon to 2:00 PM.
  • Help with the luncheon. Contact Jennifer Stueve to let her know you’re interested.

How do I sign up?

Visit the Rise Against Hunger online fundraising site to register.