Greetings Messiah Family,
I hope this message finds you staying healthy and safe during this unique period in our lives. I am thankful for Messiah as it has allowed me to stay grounded during this pandemic and I hope you too have found comfort in your Messiah community. I am also in awe of the way we continue to support our community through our virtual ministry, and our continued commitment to our partners. Although we are separate, we are together in our ministry.
In support of our ministries, I wanted to share with you how we will be updating the ministry sheets this year considering the impact of COVID-19.
There are three ways to complete your ministry form for 2020-21:
- Scroll down this page and complete the online form below.
- Click the link for a downloadable 8.5 x 14 PDF: Messiah 2020-21 Ministry Sheet. You can print this form and mail it back to the church, or send your completed electronic form to messiahlutherans@gmail.com.
- Complete the paper form that arrives at your home and send it back in the enclosed envelope.
Each member of your household should complete a form.
For families or individuals who are not currently participating in a ministry: please review the described ministries and consider where you can lend your time and talents to support a ministry and support Messiah’s mission in our community.
We would like to receive your feedback by Sunday, July 19, 2020.
Thank you for considering this request and for your continued support of Messiah.
John Finkbiner, Stewardship
Church Council
Online Form
A note for iPhone users: When you click the Next button in the form below, it may look like a blank page. Scroll down! And then scroll some more, and some more. You’ll see the Contact Information section, followed by the rest of the form.