Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,
The Past three Monday Evenings 20-25 members of Messiah gathered to learn more about the Purpose Driven Concept of Church identity, process and purpose. The lectures by Rev. Warren were engaging and thought provoking. The group had many conversations about the history of Messiah, changes you all went through, the difficulties and the joys. I was most taken by the Spiritual transitional aspect of Warren’s Church concept and is part of the spiritual DNA of this congregation
I particularly like the Biblical perspective that under-girds Warren’s basic teaching of the purpose of the church.
- THE GREAT COMMANDMENT – Matthew 22:37–40 (NIV) “LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD with all your heart, soul and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
- THE GREAT COMMISSION – Matthew 28:19–20 (NIV) “GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, BAPTIZING THEM in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and TEACHING THEM TO [DO] everything I have commanded you.”
These two scriptures are the foundation of all Churches regardless of the denomination. The Words of our Lord take the church from a friend gathering place to that of Mission and sharing the Gospel. The two passages from Matthew anchor Messiah as to identity and purpose. No wonder when we had our first interim information gathering last October many were concerned that Messiah needed to rediscover your call to ministry and were wanting to return to a process that worked, that is the Purpose Driven Church. The Purpose Driven Church concept was a high priority at this gathering. Many asked that Council Leadership return to Purpose Driven approach.
What does this mean for Messiah? For the Purpose Driven Church model to excel at Messiah a concerted effort by all to become knowledgeable and able to apply the process to the life and ministry of Messiah. That is all – and especially church council members, Council President, Vice president, financial officers, leaders in areas of ministry, office staff, present interim pastor, next settled pastor, musicians, and Discipleship director must follow the same model of leadership for the Purpose Driven Church. These individuals are your guides. How does this happen: Education, Education and more education, prayer and conversation as to the application of the Purpose Driven Church Model. This is a tremendous opportunity for spiritual growth for Messiah. I am excited to be here at this time in the life of Messiah to learn, assist in training and workshops, so that Messiah is best prepared to receive your next pastor.
Look for information coming from Denise as Discipleship Director and the Church Council as to how we will proceed to retool, introduce and be a Purpose Driven Church. Exciting times as Messiah moves forward in identity ministry and the anticipation of the next settled pastor at Messiah.
Call Process
In August, the Call committee will receive names of potential candidates for the position of Senior Settled Pastor at Messiah Lutheran. The committee will interview each candidate, visit their place of present pastoral ministry to listen and observe the skills and abilities of the candidate.
Calling All College Students
August 11th and12th. Calling all college students, first timers to return Senior college students at all worship services there will be a time set aside in worship to pray for you. The love of this congregation is great for the youth and that loves goes with you to your place of learning. So please make this a priority in your schedule of events before returning to college, if you are unable to make the 11th or 12th, please let Pastor Greenwald and/or Denise Stearns know so we can set up a different time for blessing and prayers for you.
Pastor Greenwald’s off-site office hours
Farmhouse coffee with the pastor and Wednesday evening gathering with pastor at the Colley vineyard/orchard barn will not be held in August.
We will resume in September:
- At the Colleys’ the 5th and 19th at 7:30pm. Bring finger food to share with the group (beverages provided).
- At the Farmhouse the 12th and 26th for coffee or tea Pastor Greenwald is buying. From 10:30 to 12:00 p.m.
Looking forward to many interesting conversations, laughter and fun.