Weekly News | May 5, 2016

Dear Messiah,

Geranium Sale for Pentecost Sunday, May 15th.  Orders are now being taken for Geraniums.  Order box on card ministry table.  Due date is May 9th.

Jesus Study, Mondays at 7P.M. beginning May 16th. We will look at the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life on earth where He experienced rejection from His own people, betrayal of a close friend, and unanswered prayer for help; and yet displayed a symphony of love for all involved, especially His loved ones. Amazingly, we too can learn to act as He did if we take time to learn from His example. Please join us in the sanctuary for this study and we’ll grow together.

Relay for Life is a 24 hour team and community event to honor cancer survivors, recognize caregivers, remember loved ones, and fight against cancer.  The teen youth group, VAMOS, has committed to walk the track for 24 hours, and help change HOPE to CURE. Our team is raising money to go toward research for a cure and to Hope Lodges for those undergoing treatment.  We appreciate all the past support from the congregation, and thank you for your support this year.  We will have an envelope for cash or check donation available on the Library doors until May 15th.  More information is available on Messiah’s website.  If you are interested in contributing a gift basket to raffle at Relay or have any questions, please contact Leah Colley at leahfisher88@gmail.com or Miranda Stueve at miranda.stueve@gmail.com. Thanks for helping VAMOS support the American Cancer Society (Tax ID 13-1788491).

SAVE THE DATE! The 5th Annual Messiah Golf Outing will be held at Coatesville Country Club on June 17.  All proceeds will benefit the Lord’s Pantry of Downingtown. Temple talks will be this weekend with more information to follow. You can also visit the church website for more details.  Thanks!  -Darin Yamasaki

Jazplash – Coming June 19th!  To mark the beginning of our summer schedule. Jazplash is a unique service combined with jazz and worship.  When:  June 19th to kick off our summer services at the 9:00AM and 10:30AM Services!  Come join us! An ordained Lutheran minister, Ed Neiderhiser, an accomplished performer on trumpet, flugelhorn, and piccolo trumpet, Ed is regularly heard in jazz, big band, pop, classical, liturgical, and R&B venues. He also composes and arranges in each of these. Ed has performed with some of the finest musicians on the Philadelphia Jazz scene including Father John D’Amico, Tony Williams, Eddie Green, Odean Pope, Khan Jamal, et al.

Thank you from Messiah Preschool  – On behalf of all of the teaching staff at Messiah Preschool, we would like to whole-heartedly thank all of the church members, families, friends, Pastor Gulotta, Denise, April and Barb Schneider for all of your  constant  support and dedication to our school, staff, students and programs all year long.   Thank you, Preschool Directors, Bonnie Hertzog, Valerie Feinstein, Suzanne Brady

Preschool Summer Camp – Summer Camps will be available from June 6th through July 1st for students 3 to 5 years of age and also for alumni students who have completed kindergarten this year.  For program and registration information please contact Bonnie Hertzog or Valerie Feinstein at 610-269-4488. Thank you.

Preschool Fall Registration – Fall registration for the 2016/2017 school year will continue throughout the summer.  We have student openings available in the 3 and 2-l/2 year old programs.  For program and registration information, or to schedule a tour, please contact Bonnie Hertzog or Valerie Feinstein at 610-269-4488. Thank you.

What’s Coming Up

  • Confirmation/Affirmation of baptism – May 15 at 11 AM
  • Jesus Study – Mondays at 7 PM, May 16 & 23, June 6 & 13
  • Messiah Golf Outing – June 17
  • Summer worship schedule – starts June 19
  • Cave Quest VBS – July 18-22

Bless you, Messiah – Love,
