Gear up for an over-the-top underground adventure—this year’s vacation bible school theme is Cave Quest!
At Cave Quest vacation Bible school, kids experience God’s Word in surprising and unforgettable ways! They’ll spend each day spelunking through activity stations that reinforce the day’s Bible theme.
Check out the schedule and details below! Each family receives a music CD with registration. Join us in July!
Who: Kids ages 3-12
When: 9:30-11:30 AM, July 18-22
Where: Messiah Lutheran Church, Downingtown
Cost: $10 per child or $30 per family
Staff: Pastor Gulotta, Storyteller; JoEllen Cain, Games Leader; Kristy Dinger, Imagination Station Leader; Maggie Finkbiner & Emily DelVisio, Café Leaders; Denise Stearns, Director
Registration: Sign up at church, or complete and send in the online registration form