Dear Messiah Family –
The Fourth Annual Messiah Golf Outing was held at Coatesville Country Club on July 24. The Lord provided us with a picture-perfect summer day! More importantly, the outing raised $6,715.52 for the Lord’s Pantry!
A special thanks to Joan and Chuck Gibson, who hosted and sponsored the event. Our 62 golfers had a great time raising money for an organization that helps so many Chester County residents.
Check out the photos on our Golf Outing Results post, and stop by the narthex this weekend to see more this weekend!
Volunteers Needed on Rally Day: September 13, 9am – 11am, host coffee hour. Food, beverages, and all supplies provided. Duties include setting up a few tables and chairs, setting up the treats, and cleaning up. Could be divided into a couple people doing setup and a couple people doing cleanup. Please contact Barb Schneider, Tom Ernst, or Denise Stearns if you can help in this ministry and get our Sunday School year off to a great start! Thanks, Barb Schneider
Dear Altar Guild – Another year is upon us and it’s that time of year to make the Altar Guild Schedule. Before I make the schedule, I wanted to know if anyone wanted to do a particular month. I also wanted to know who would be interested in doing Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter. I would love to have more than 2 people for those this year. Please welcome Barbara and Jeff Andrews. I will be calling you to schedule training. Thank you again for all of your help throughout the year! Barbara Sinn
Mandated Reporter Training – In compliance with Pennsylvania Law, House Bill 1276, all staff and also adult volunteers who work with children are required to do “Mandated Reporter Training” and Background Checks before they can begin their ministry. We have an instruction sheet compiled by Discipleship Director (see card ministry table) who will also answer any other questions.
God’s blessing and my love,